Volunteer With Covid Safe Colorado
We are always looking for volunteers to help us with various tasks, including driving masks to folks, storing masks, reaching out to organizations for partnerships, social media support, behind-the-scenes organizational tasks, distributing masks at public events, creative design, and/or donating your money or masks.
Volunteer Areas
These are the areas we need volunteers for. Don’t see something you can help with on the list? Email us and let us know and we’ll help you get started!

Driving and transporting boxes of masks and other items.

Social Media
Help with social media outreach and sharing.

Distributing masks at public events.

Behind the Scenes
Help with behind the scenes organizational tasks.

Creative Design
Creative design like making stickers, info sheets, swag, etc.

Donating money, masks, or other materials.
Masks Distributed
Volunteer Form
Thank you for volunteering with Covid Safe Colorado!
Please let us know what tasks you can help with. You will receive an email from us, so please check your spam folder if you haven’t heard back. We are moving more slowly and will get back to you as soon as possible.