Our Inventory
Loan Library
We have two Aranet air quality monitors, a Qingping air quality monitor, three Corsi-Rosenthal boxes, a Mini Far-UVC Air Cleaning Kit, 405nm Near UV Germicidal Lights (to be used with the Mini Far-UVC Kit), and a Dental PAPR you can borrow for a week at a time.
If you’d like to borrow one of these items, please fill out the form below.
Loan Library Items
Read below to find out more information about the items we have in our loan library.

Air quality monitors like the Aranet are great for assessing the air quality in an indoor space.

Qingping Air Monitor Lite
Air quality monitors like the Qingping Air Monitor Lite are great for assessing the air quality in an indoor space.

Corsi-Rosenthal Box
Corsi-Rosenthal boxes are high-quality air purifiers built from MERV-13 air filters and a box fan.

Mini Far-UVC Air Cleaning Kit
This kit includes four battery-powered, three-watt Far-UVC emitters. Used together, they are suitable for air cleaning of small spaces (<50sq ft), ensuring safer air without harmful UV exposure.
Spread the lamps evenly, keeping them at least 20 inches away from occupants for safety. Do not exceed 4 hours of use per day, because excessive UV exposure can cause eye or skin damage. This kit offers an extra layer of defense, making everyday activities safer. Far-UVC is a supplement to, not a substitute for, other protective measures like masks and proper ventilation.

405nm Near UV Germicidal Lights
These 405nm Near UV germicidal lights are available for loan in conjunction with the Nukit Torch set only. Each light runs off a 9V battery (not included) and can be placed near each Torch. There is limited evidence that these 405nm lights have a synergistic effect against bacteria when used with 222nm Far UV. Data regarding a similar synergistic benefit for COVID is not yet available.

Dental PAPR
This DIY Dental PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirator) helps reduce the risk of inhaling infectious aerosols through your nose while at the dentist. However, it does not protect your mouth, so some risk remains. The battery lasts about 2 hours on the Low setting, and the air inside the nose mask is over 1,000 times cleaner than the air outside. Because it uses positive pressure, a tight seal isn’t necessary.
To use this device, practice breathing through your nose only, even with your mouth open. Even if you can’t do this perfectly, wearing the DIY Dental PAPR still offers protection when you can’t wear a full mask. Use it only while in the dentist’s chair, and wear your regular respirator when checking in or talking. You can also use Nukit Torches alongside this device.
If you’d like to borrow one of these items, please click the button below to fill out the form. We’ll need some information from you and a collateral item we can hold until you return our item to us.
Request Form
Request Items from our Loan Library
Fill out the form below to request a Corsi Rosenthal Box, an Aranet monitor, a Mini Far-UVC Air Cleaning kit, 405nm Near UV Germicidal Lights (to be used with the Mini Far-UVC Kit), or a Dental PAPR.
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