Latest Past Events

Weekly Support Group

A weekly virtual support group on Wednesdays from 7–9 pm! Email us for the Zoom link. This will be a peer-led and drop-in, and it's a chill, safe space for anyone still taking precautions who needs support and community. You can share your struggles, grief, stories, and your hopes and successes. The host will try to […]

Mask and Test Distro

City Park E 17th Ave Pkwy & Colorado Blvd, Denver

Mask and test distribution event at City Park in Denver. As long as the weather is good, we’ll bring supplies to make mask chains. We'll meet near the parking lot in the southeast corner of the park (just east of Lily Pond) and find a picnic table. KN95 or better is required. Pick up free […]

Weekly Support Group

A weekly virtual support group on Wednesdays from 7–9 pm! Email us for the Zoom link. This will be a peer-led and drop-in, and it's a chill, safe space for anyone still taking precautions who needs support and community. You can share your struggles, grief, stories, and your hopes and successes. The host will try to […]